Beyond Essential: Harbor Local Leaders
With the closure of restaurants, more demand put back on grocery and limited occupancy restrictions in supermarkets, our retail customer base will see increased traffic. Consumers will look for quick, safe, and easy locations to access essential items.
Sun Market
Kennewick, Washington
Sun Market has multiple locations in the Kennewick, Washington area. With Harbor, they focus on community foods and school lunches. During the COVID-19 crisis, they provided over 4,000 school lunches and at least 500+ meals to first responders and local hospitals. Amber, the manager at Sun Market, also made and donated masks to their community, including the one worn by our Lead Store Solutions Rep, Dana Rabe.
Fat Alberts & Lillie Family Market
Southern Oregon
Shari Lillie from Fat Alberts & Lillie Family Market made face masks for their local medical facilities, first responders, and their customers. She made over 600 masks to donate.
Stop And Go Mini Mart
Bend, Oregon
Stop & Go Mini Mart is all about the essentials. When COVID-19 hit, they
implemented delivery services within a 3-mile radius with Vroom and offered curbside pickup. They started a social media campaign around their delivery services saying, “We deliver. You relax!”. When toilet paper shortages hit, they offered a roll of toilet paper with every fill-up. Stop and Go Mini Mart has done a great job utilizing social media to show their customers how they are supporting them through COVID-19!
The Convenience Group
Vancouver, Washington
The Convenience Group hired extra team members to increase service to their community during COVID-19. They also adjusted their store selection to offer affordable items to serve all budgets. They were one of the first locations to implement plexiglass partitions at their store. The Convenience Group began offering free PPE to those in need, helping to keep their community safe and healthy. In addition, The Convenience Group’s owner, Don Rhoads, increased donations to local food banks, as well as homeless food and clothing programs.
Bellis Fair Shell
Bellingham, Washington
At the onset of COVID, Bellis Fair Shell gave away $25 in free gas to first responder staff at St. Joseph Hospital located in Bellingham, Washington.

Roslyn Grocery
Roslyn, Washington
Roslyn Grocery is a classic community market serving customers in Roslyn, Washington, offering a wide variety of fresh foods and fresh produce options. With COVID, they began a concierge service for customers. They also have a strict mask policy, protecting the health of their team members and customers, creating signage so it was clear what the expectations were upon entering the store. Roslyn Grocery also worked with a non-profit
organization to prepare and deliver 300 nutrition bags to their community!
Thank you to all of our customers who went above and beyond to serve their communities through COVID-19. Your success is our success, and Harbor is always here to ensure you’re able to continue taking care of our customers!